Low Water Use Gardens
Low water use gardens can be lush and inviting, and still be water-conscious. Our projects exceed these criteria offering a lavish use of colorful plants that complements your unique style.
· Innovative products that improve water efficiency.
· Genetically superior plants.
· Advanced soil management.

Case Studies:
Peninsula Woodland, San Mateo
Jack wanted a lush, colorful, and modern looking project that fit into his busy lifestyle, and supported water conservation and promoted visits from pollinators.
Exotic Oasis, Millbrae
The homeowners wanted a very personal project that was creative, reliable, and minimized water consumption. With their background in Bio-Tech, this client wanted amoeba shaped planters, filled with intriguing plants with interesting textures and colors.
California Classic Style, Menlo Park
Living a few blocks from the original Sunset Magazine Gardens, this client wanted to replicate Sunset’s grandeur and natural beauty. This California ranch house now has a garden that now boasts beautiful Japanese maples, incredible hydrangeas and a large fossil stone patio which is shaded by a beautiful arbutus marina tree.